How to Join the Benjamin H. Griswold III, Class of 1933, Center for Economic Policy Studies.

The Benjamin H. Griswold III, Class of 1933, Center for Economic Policy Studies is a membership organization, supported by contributions from our members-$15,000 per year, $40,000 for three years, or $300,000 for a lifetime membership (the majority of which is considered a tax-deductible contribution to Princeton University).

The Center gratefully acknowledges the continuing support of the individual and corporate members who have made our many economic policy-related initiatives and events possible. In 2011, Benjamin H. Griswold IV, a member of Princeton’s Class of 1962, and his family made a substantial gift to endow the Center. The gift was made in honor of Griswold’s father, a member of Princeton’s Class of 1933 [press release]. This wonderful gift, along with the ongoing support of the memberships, will secure the work of the Center and allow it to launch new initiatives in policy-related research and programming.

If you would like information about becoming a member, please contact Executive Director Dana Molina, at 609.258.5765.
Current Members of Benjamin H. Griswold III, Class of 1933, Center for Economic Policy Studies:

Leigh & John Bartlett
Gilchrist B. Berg
William B. Bond
Brown Advisory
Barbara & Tom Byrne
René Chalom
Dan C. Chamby
Robert G. Easton
Audrey & Colin Fenton
Joseph S. Fichera
Arminio Fraga
Miaokuan Gao
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Goldsmith Family Foundation
Thomas M. Gorrie
Benjamin H. Griswold IV
Harding Loevner LP
Edward E. Matthews
Nicholas J. Nicholas Jr.
Zachary J. Pandl
Princeton Class of 1950
Richard Rampell
Ripplewood Advisors, LLC
Savoy Capital, Inc.
John L. Steffens
UMH Properties, Inc.
William H. Walton III
Peter C. Wendell
Willowbridge Associates