The Benjamin H. Griswold III, Class of 1933, Center for Economic Policy Studies funds policy-related research projects within Princeton’s Department of Economics. Griswold Center for Economic Policy Studies (GCEPS) Working Papers, authored by Princeton faculty, on a variety of policy-related topics, are circulated prior to publication (pdf file links require the Adobe Reader plug-in).
- No. 337: Heblich, Stephan, Redding, Stephen J., and Yanos Zylberberg, The Distributional Consequences of Trade: Evidence from the Grain Invasion (September 2024).
- No. 336: Wilkins, Carolyn A., Financial Stability and Monetary Policy: Lessons from the UK’s LDI Crisis (August 2024).
- No. 335: Kapon, Samuel, Lucia Del Carpio, and Sylvain Chassang, Using Divide-and-Conquer to Improve Tax Collection (February 2024).
- No. 334: Lizzeri, Alessandro, Eran Shmaya, and Leeat Yariv, Disentangling Exploration from Exploitation (April 2024).
- No. 312/rev: Reshidi, Pellumb, Alessandro Lizzeri, Leeat Yariv, Jimmy Chan, and Wing Suen, Sequential Sampling by Individuals and Groups: An Experimental Study (May 2024).
- No. 333: Derenoncourt, Ellora, and David Weil, Voluntary Minimum Wages (May 2024).
- No. 332: Derenoncourt, Ellora, Chi Hyun Kim, Moritz Kuhn, and Moritz Schularick, Unemployment Risk, Portfolio Choice, and the Racial Wealth Gap (October 2023).
- No. 331: Blinder, Alan S., Will the Twain Ever Meet? Bridging the Gap between Economics and Politics (January 2024).
- No. 256/rev: Sims, Christopher A., Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy with Distorting Taxes (August 2019; revised version, May 2024).
- No. 330: Digital Finance Project Team of the Bretton Woods Committee’s Future of Finance Working Group: Dudley, William C., Anthony Elson, and Natalya Thakur, Central Bank Digital Currencies: Design and Implementation in the Evolution of Sovereign Money (Bretton Woods Committee Brief No. 8, November 2023).
- No. 329: G30 Working Group on the 2023 Banking Crisis, chaired by William C. Dudley, Bank Failures and Contagion Lender of Last Resort, Liquidity, and Risk Management (Group of 30, Washington, DC, January 2024).
- No. 328: Chodorow-Reich, Gabriel, Owen Zidar, Matthew Smith, and Eric Zwick, Tax Policy and Investment in a Global Economy (February 2024).
- No. 327: Dupas, Pascaline, Seema Jayachandran, Adriana Lleras-Muney, and Pauline Rossi, The Negligible Effect of Free Contraception on Fertility: Experimental Evidence from Burkina Faso (April 2024).
- No. 326: Jayachandran, Seema, Lea Nassal, Matthew Notowidigdo, Marie Paul, Heather Sarsons, and Elin Sundberg, Moving To Opportunity, Together (February 2024).
- No. 325: Izquierdo-Tort, Santiago, Seema Jayachandran, and Santiago Saavedra, Redesigning Payments for Ecosystem Services to Increase Cost-Effectiveness (January 2024).
- No. 324: Dupas, Pascaline, Camille Falezan, Seema Jayachandran, and Mark Walsh, Informing Mothers about the Benefits of Conversing with Infants: Experimental Evidence from Ghana (January 2024).
- No. 323: Bordo, Michael D., and William Roberds, Central Bank Digital Currencies: An Old Tale with a New Chapter (May 2024).
- No. 322: Redding, Stephen J., and Daniel M. Sturm, Neighborhood Effects: Evidence from Wartime Destruction in London (April 2024).
- No. 321: Kuziemko, Ilyana, Nicolas Longuet-Marx, and Suresh Naidu, “Compensate the Losers?” Economic Policy and Partisan Realignment in the US (March 2024).
- No. 320: Bordo, Michael D., and Pierre Siklos, The Importance of Sound Monetary Policy: Some Lessons for Today from Canada’s Experience with Floating Exchange Rates since 1950 (February 2024).
- No. 319: Bordo, Michael D., and John V. Duca, Broad Divisia Money and the Recovery of U.S. Nominal GDP from the COVID-19 Recession (December 2023).
- No. 318: Kleinman, Benny, Ernest Liu, Stephen J. Redding, and Motohiro Yogo, Neoclassical Growth in an Interdependent World (December 2023).
- No. 317: Bordo, Michael D., and Edward S. Prescott, Federal Reserve Structure and the Production of Monetary Policy Ideas (November 2023).
- No. 316: Blinder, Alan S., Economics and Politics: On Narrowing the Gap (October 2023).
- No. 315: Ang, Desmond, Panka Bencsik, Jesse Bruhn, and Ellora Derenoncourt, Shots Fired: Crime and Community Engagement with Law Enforcement after High-profile Acts of Police Violence (July 2023).
- No. 314: Kleinman, Benny, Ernest Liu, and Stephen J. Redding, The Linear Algebra of Economic Geography Models (July 2023).
- No. 313: Glennerster, Rachel, and Seema Jayachandran, Think Globally, Act Globally: Opportunities to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (June 2023).
- No. 312: Reshidi, Pëllumb, Alessandro Lizzeri, Leeat Yariv, Jimmy Chan, and Wing Suen, Individual and Collective Information Acquisition: An Experimental Study (October 2022).
- No. 311: Boudreau, Laura, Sylvain Chassang, Ada Gonzales-Torres, and Rachel Heath, Monitoring Harassment in Organizations (February 2023).
- No. 310: Agness, Daniel, Travis Baseler, Sylvain Chassang, Pascaline Dupas, and Erik Snowberg, Valuing the Time of the Self-Employed (January 2022).
- No. 309: Duquerroy, Anne, Adrien Matray, and Farzad Saidi, Tracing Banks’ Credit Allocation to their Funding Costs (September 2022).
- No. 308: Fonseca, Julia, and Adrien Matray, Financial Inclusion, Economic Development, and Inequality: Evidence from Brazil (September 2022).
- No. 307: Jack, B. Kelsey, Seema Jayachandran, Namrata Kala, and Rohini Pande, Money (Not) to Burn: Payments for Ecosystem Services to Reduce Crop Residue Burning (March 2023).
- No. 306: Björkman Nyqvist, Martina, Seema Jayachandran, and Céline Zipfel, A Mother’s Voice: Impacts of Spousal Communication Training on Child Health Investments (February 2023).
- No. 305: Chirakijja, Janjala, Seema Jayachandran, and Pinchuan Ong, The Mortality Effects of Winter Heating Prices (January 2023).
- No. 304: Redding, Stephen J., The Economics of Cities: From Theory to Data (January 2023).
- No. 303: Choi, Jiwon, Ilyana Kuziemko, Ebonya L. Washington, and Gavin Wright, Local Economic and Political Effects of Trade Deals: Evidence from NAFTA (November 2021).
- No. 302: Jácome, Elisa, Ilyana Kuziemko, and Suresh Naidu, Mobility for All: Representative Intergenerational Mobility Estimates over the 20th Century (September 2021).
- No. 301: Del Carpio, Lucia, Samuel Kapon, and Sylvain Chassang, Using Divide-and-Conquer to Improve Tax Collection: Evidence from the Field (June 2022).
- No. 300: Ortner, Juan, Sylvain Chassang, Kei Kawai, and Jun Nakabayashi, Screening Adaptive Cartels (June 2022).
- No. 299: Chassang, Sylvain, Lucia Del Carpio, and Samuel Kapon, Using Divide and Conquer to Improve Tax Collection: Theory and Laboratory Evidence (May 2022).
- No. 298: Sarin, Natasha, Lawrence Summers, Owen Zidar, and Eric Zwick, Rethinking How We Score Capital Gains Tax Reform (June 2022).
- No. 297: Ding, Xiang, Teresa C. Fort, Stephen J. Redding, and Peter K. Schott, Structural Change Within Versus Across Firms: Evidence from the United States (May 2022).
- No. 296: Derenoncourt, Ellora, Chi Hyun Kim, Moritz Kuhn, and Moritz Schularick, Wealth of Two Nations: The U.S. Racial Wealth Gap, 1860–2020 (May 2022).
- No. 295: Miyauchi, Yuhei, Kentaro Nakajima, and Stephen J. Redding, The Economics of Spatial Mobility: Theory and Evidence Using Smartphone Data (April 2022).
- No. 294: Ashenfelter, Orley, David Card, Henry S. Farber, and Michael R. Ransom, Monopsony in the Labor Market: New Empirical Results and New Public Policies (April 2022).
- No. 293: Fonseca, Julia, and Adrien Matray, The Real Effects of Banking the Poor: Evidence from Brazil (April 2022).
- No. 292: Kleinman, Benny, Ernest Liu, and Stephen J. Redding, International Friends and Enemies (April 2022).
- No. 291: Blinder, Alan S., Michael Ehrmann, Jakob de Haan, and David-Jan Jansen, Central Bank Communication with the General Public: Promise or False Hope? (April 2022).
- No. 290: Blinder, Alan S., Interactions between Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (September 2021).
- No. 289: Blinder, Alan S., Central Banking in the Time of Covid (September 2021).
- No. 288: Melitz, Marc J., and Stephen J. Redding, Trade and Innovation (June 2021).
- No. 287: Miyauchi, Yuhei, Kentaro Nakajima, and Stephen J. Redding, Consumption Access and Agglomeration: Evidence from Smartphone Data (June 2021).
- No. 286: Redding, Stephen J., Suburbanization in the United States 1970-2010 (May 2021).
- No. 285: Alfaro-Ureña, Alonso, Isabela Manelici, and Jose P. Vasquez, The Effects of Multinationals on Workers: Evidence from Costa Rican Microdata (April 2021).
- No. 284: Hazell, Jonathon, Juan Herreño, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson, The Slope of the Phillips Curve: Evidence from U.S. States (April 2021).
- No. 283: Bretton Woods Committee’s Sovereign Debt Working Group. William C. Dudley, Working Group Member. Sovereign Debt: A Critical Challenge (April 2021).
- No. 282: Braverman, Mark, and Sylvain Chassang, Data-Driven Incentive Alignment in Capitation Schemes (February 2021).
- No. 281: Ashenfelter, Orley, and Stepan Jurajda, Wages, Minimum Wages, and Price Pass-Through: The Case of McDonald’s Restaurants (January 2021).
- No. 280: Duquerroy, Anne, Adrien Matray, and Farzad Saidi, Sticky Deposit Rates and Allocative Effects of Monetary Policy (December 2020).
- No. 279: Acemoglu, Daron, David Autor, Jonathon Hazell, and Pascual Restrepo, AI and Jobs: Evidence from Online Vacancies (December 2020).
- No. 278: Chassang, Sylvain, Lucia Del Carpio, and Samuel Kapon, Making the Most of Limited Government Capacity: Theory and Experiment (October 2020).
- No. 277: Farber, Henry S., Daniel Herbst, Ilyana Kuziemko, and Suresh Naidu, Unions and Inequality over the Twentieth Century: New Evidence from Survey Data (October 2020).
- No. 276: Matray, Adrien, and Charles Boissel, Higher Dividend Taxes, No Problem! Evidence from Taxing Entrepreneurs in France (September 2020).
- No. 275: Blickle, Kristian, Markus K. Brunnermeier, and Stephan Luck, Micro-evidence from a System-wide Financial Meltdown: The German Crisis of 1931 (June 2020).
- No. 274: Grossman, Gene M., and Elhanan Helpman, When Tariffs Disrupt Global Supply Chains (January 2021).
- No. 273: Agranov, Marina, Ahrash Dianat, Larry Samuelson, and Leeat Yariv, Paying to Match: Decentralized Markets with Information Frictions(January 2021; revised, May 2022).
- No. 272: Agersnap, Ole, and Owen Zidar, The Tax Elasticity of Capital Gains and Revenue-Maximizing Rates (December 2020).
- No. 271: Echenique, Federico, Ruy Gonzalez, Alistair J. Wilson, and Leeat Yariv, Top of the Batch: Interviews and the Match (December 2020).
- No. 270: Baccara, Mariagiovanna, SangMok Lee, and Leeat Yariv, Task Allocation and On-the-job Training (October 2020).
- No. 269: Grossman, Gene M., and Elhanan Helpman, Electoral Competition with Fake News (October 2020).
- No. 268: Grossman, Gene M., Elhanan Helpman, Ezra Oberfield, and Thomas Sampson, Endogenous Education and Long-Run Factor Shares (September 2020).
- No. 267: Antras, Pol, Stephen J. Redding, and Esteban Rossi Hansberg, Globalization and Pandemics (September 2020).
- No. 266: Redding, Stephen J., Trade and Geography (September 2020).
- No. 265: Rodriguez-Clare, Andres, Mauricio Ulate, and Jose P. Vasquez, New-Keynesian Trade: Understanding the Employment and Welfare Effects of Trade Shocks (September 2020).
- No. 264: Smith, Matthew, Owen Zidar, and Eric Zwick, Top Wealth in America: New Estimates and Implications for Taxing the Rich (April 2020).
- No. 263: Bau, Natalie, and Adrien Matray, Misallocation and Capital Market Integration: Evidence from India (January 2020).
- No. 262: Delatte, Anne-Laure, Adrien Matray, and Noémie Pinardon-Touati, Private Credit under Political Influence: Evidence from France (January 2020).
- No. 261: Slattery, Cailin, and Owen Zidar, Evaluating State and Local Business Tax Incentives (January 2020).
- No. 260: Hombert, Johan, and Adrien Matray, Technology Boom, Labor Reallocation, and Human Capital Depreciation (September 2019).
- No. 259: Blinder, Alan S., What does Jerome Powell know that William McChesney Martin didn’t—and what role did academic research play in that?(September 2019).
- No. 258: Brunnermeier, Markus K., and Ricardo Reis, A Crash Course on the Euro Crisis (August 2019).
- No. 257: Brunnermeier, Markus K., Darius Palia, Karthik A. Sastry, and Christopher A. Sims, Feedbacks: Financial Markets and Economic Activity(August 2019).
- No. 255: Hombert, Johan, and Adrien Matray, The Long-Term Consequences of the Tech Bubble on Skilled Workers’ Earnings (June 2019).
- No. 254: Rosen, Harvey S., and Peter Koczanski, Are Millennials Really So Selfish? Preliminary Evidence from the Philanthropy Panel Study (May 2019).
- No. 253: Mody, Ashoka, and Milan Nedeljkovic, Central Bank Policies and Financial Markets: Lessons from the Euro Crisis (December 2018).
- No. 252: Blinder, Alan S., Economists’ Biggest Failure (August 2018).
- No. 251: Drukker, Austin J., Ted Gayer, and Harvey S. Rosen, The Mortgage Interest Deduction: Revenue and Distributional Effects (October 2017).
- No. 250: Rosen, Harvey S., and Alexander J. W. Sappington, The Impact of Endowment Shocks on Payouts (November 2016).
- No. 249: Rosen, Harvey S., and Alexander J. W. Sappington, To Borrow or Not to Borrow? An Analysis of University Leverage Decisions (January 2016).
- No. 248: Kang, Dae Woong, Nick Ligthart, and Ashoka Mody, The European Central Bank: Building a Shelter in a Storm (December 2015).
- No. 247: Parkinson, Martin, The Lucky Country: Has it Run out of Luck? (September 2015).
- No. 246: Parkinson, Martin, US Economic Diplomacy: A View from Afar (September 2015).
- No. 245: Lau, Yan, and Harvey S. Rosen, Are Universities Becoming More Unequal? (July 2015).
- No. 244: Rosen, Harvey S., and Alexander J. W. Sappington, What Do University Endowment Managers Worry About? An Analysis of Alternative Asset Investments and Background Income (June 2015).
- No. 243: Blinder, Alan S., What Did We Learn from the Financial Crisis, the Great Recession, and the Pathetic Recovery? (November 2014).
- No. 242: Blinder, Alan S., Financial Entropy and the Optimality of Over-Regulation (November 2014).
- No. 241: Blinder, Alan S., and Mark W. Watson, Presidents and the U.S. Economy: An Econometric Exploration (July 2014).
- No. 240: Kopelman, Jason L., and Harvey S. Rosen, Are Public Sector Jobs Recession-Proof? Were They Ever? (October 2014).
- No. 239: Kaplan, Greg, and Guido Menzio, The Morphology of Price Dispersion (February 2014).
- No. 238: Huggett, Mark, and Greg Kaplan, The Money Value of a Man (June 2013).
- No. 237: Bruno, Valentina, and Hyun Song Shin, Global Factors in Capital Flows and Credit Growth (June 2013).
- No. 237a: Bruno, Valentina, and Hyun Song Shin, Capital Flows, Cross-Border Banking and Global Liquidity (June 2013).
- No. 237b: Bruno, Valentina, and Hyun Song Shin, Capital Flows and the Risk-Taking Channel of Monetary Policy (June 2013).
- No. 237c: Bruno, Valentina, and Hyun Song Shin, Assessing Macroprudential Policies: Case of Korea (June 2013).
- No. 236: Meer, Jonathan, and Harvey S. Rosen, Donative Behavior at the End of Life (June 2013).
- No. 235: Kim, Se-Jik, and Hyun Song Shin, Working Capital, Trade and Macro Fluctuations (June 2013).
- No. 234: Kaplan, Greg, and Guido Menzio, Shopping Externalities and Self-Fulfilling Unemployment Fluctuations (May 2013).
- No. 233: Sims, Christopher A., Gaps in the Institutional Structure of the Euro Area (May 2013).
- No. 232, Geruso, Michael, and Harvey S. Rosen, Fraud in the Workplace? Evidence from a Dependent Verification Program (April 2013).
- No. 231: De Loecker, Jan, Pinelopi K. Goldberg, Amit K. Khandelwal, and Nina Pavcnik, Prices, Markups and Trade Reform Appendix (September 2012).
- No. 230: Collard-Wexler, Allan, and Jan De Loecker, Reallocation and Technology: Evidence from the U.S. Steel Industry (September 2012).
- No. 229: Blinder, Alan S., Central Bank Independence and Credibility During and After a Crisis (September 2012).
- No. 228: Rosen, Harvey S., Growth, Distribution, and Tax Reform: Thoughts on the Romney Proposal (September 2012).
- No. 227: Bewerunge, Philipp, and Harvey S. Rosen, Wages, Pensions, and Public-Private Sector Compensation Differentials (June 2012).
- No. 226: Huck, Steffen, Imran Rasul, and Andrew Shephard, Comparing Charitable Fundraising Schemes: Evidence from a Field Experiment and a Structural Model (March 2012).
- No. 225: Ashenfelter, Orley C.,Economic History or History of Economics? A Review Essay on Sylvia Nasar’s Grand Pursuit: the Story of Economic Genius (January 2012).
- No. 224: Meer, Jonathan, and Harvey S. Rosen, Does Generosity Beget Generosity? Alumni Giving and Undergraduate Financial Aid (October 2011).
- No. 223:Shephard, Andrew J., Equilibrium Search and Tax Credit Reform (September 2011).
- No. 222: Chow, Gregory C., A Model for National Income Determination in Taiwan (September 2011).
- No. 221: Chow, Gregory C., Usefulness of Adaptive and Rational Expectations in Economics (September 2011).
- No. 220: Chow, Gregory C., A Model of Inflation in Taiwan (September 2011).
- No. 219: Chow, Gregory C., Economic Planning in China (June 2011).
- No. 218: Blundell, Richard, and Andrew Shephard, Employment, Hours of Work and the Optimal Taxation of Low Income Families (May 2011).
- No. 217: Krueger, Alan B., and Ilyana Kuziemko, The Demand for Health Insurance among Uninsured Americans: Results of a Survey Experiment and Implications for Policy (April 2011).
- No. 216: Dinkelman, Taryn, and Claudia Martinez A., Investing in Schooling in Chile: The Role of Information about Financial Aid for Higher Education (February 2011).
- No. 215: Krueger, Alan B., and Andreas Mueller, Job Search and Job Finding in a Period of Mass Unemployment: Evidence from High-Frequency Longitudinal Data (January 2011).
- No. 214: Ashenfelter, Orley C., and Kathryn Graddy, Sale Rates and Price Movements in Art Auctions (January 2011).
- No. 213: Spears, Dean, Economic Decision-making in Poverty Depletes Behavioral Control (December 2010).
- No. 212: Dix-Carneiro, Rafael, Trade Liberalization and Labor Market Dynamics (November 2010).
- No. 211: Bhattarai, Saroj, and Raphael Schoenle, Multiproduct Firms and Price-Setting: Theory and Evidence from U.S. Producer Prices (July 2010).
- No. 210: Rosen, Harvey S., and Stephen T. Sims, Altruistic Behavior and Habit Formation (July 2010).
- No. 209: Blinder, Alan S., The Squam Lake Report: Fifteen Economists in Search of Financial Reform (August 2010).
- No. 208: Kenen, Peter B., Renovation of the Global Reserve Regime: Concepts and Proposals (June 2010).
- No. 207: Blinder, Alan S., Teaching Macro Principles after the Financial Crisis (April 2010).
- No. 206: Chow, Gregory C., China’s Environmental Policy: A Critical Survey (April 2010).
- No. 205: Chow, Gregory C., Will China Have Serious Inflation? (April 2010).
- No. 204: Blinder, Alan S., Quantitative Easing: Entrance and Exit Strategies (March 2010).
- No. 203: Ashenfelter, Orley, and Kathryn Graddy, Art Auctions (March 2010).
- No. 202: Chow, Gregory C., Entrepreneurship Propelling Economic Changes in China (March 2010).
- No. 201: Sims, Christopher A., Commentary on Policy at the Zero Lower Bound (January 2010).
- No. 200: Malkiel, Burton G., Bubbles in Asset Prices (January 2010).
- No 199: Ashenfelter, Orley C., Kirk B. Doran, and Bruce Schaller, A Shred of Credible Evidence on the Long Run Elasticity of Labor Supply (January 2010).
- No. 198: Blinder, Alan S., How Central Should the Central Bank Be? (January 2010).
- No. 197: Vichyanond, Jade, Intellectual Property Protection and Patterns of Trade (November 2009).
- No. 196: Farber, Henry S., Rational Choice and Voter Turnout: Evidence from Union Representation Elections (October 2009).
- No. 195: Spears, Dean E., Bounded Rationality as Deliberation Costs: Theory and Evidence from a Pricing Field Experiment in India (October 2009).
- No. 194: Chow, Gregory C., Important Lessons from Studying the Chinese Economy (December 2009).
- No. 193: Goldberg, Pinelopi, and Rebecca Hellerstein, How Rigid Are Producer Prices? (November 2009).
- No. 192: Goldberg, Pinelopi, Amit Khandelwal, Nina Pavcnik, and Petia Topalova, Imported Intermediate Inputs and Domestic Product Growth: Evidence from India (September 2009).
- No. 191: Kleiner, Morris M., and Alan B. Krueger, Analyzing the Extent and Influence of Occupational Licensing on the Labor Market (August 2009).
- No. 190: Blinder, Alan S., and Alan B. Krueger, Alternative Measures of Offshorability: A Survey Approach (August 2009).
- No. 189: Lee, David S., and Justin McCrary, The Deterrence Effect of Prison: Dynamic Theory and Evidence (July 2009).
- No. 188: Malkiel, Burton G., and Derek Jun, The “Value” Effect and the Market for Chinese Stocks (July 2009).
- No. 187: Meer, Jonathan, and Harvey S. Rosen, Family Bonding with Universities (June 2009).
- No. 186: Malkiel, Burton G., Atanu Saha, and Alex Grecu, The Clustering of Extreme Movements: Stock Prices and the Weather (February 2009).
- No. 185: Goldberg, Pinelopi Koujianou, and Rebecca Hellerstein, A Framework for Identifying the Sources of Local-Currency Price Stability with an Empirical Application (March 2008).
- No. 184: Rothstein, Jesse, Is the EITC as Good as an NIT? Conditional Cash Transfers and Tax Incidence (January 2009).
- No 183: Ashenfelter, Orley C., Daniel Hosken, and Matthew Weinberg, Generating Evidence to Guide Merger Enforcement (March 2009).
- No. 182: Lee, David S., and Alexandre Mas, Long-Run Impacts of Unions on Firms: New Evidence from Financial Markets, 1961-1999 (January 2009).
- No. 181: Farber, Henry S., Increasing Voter Turnout: Is Democracy Day the Answer? (February 2009).
- No. 180: Cellini, Stephanie Riegg, Fernando Ferreira, and Jesse Rothstein, The Value of School Facilities: Evidence from a Dynamic Regression Discontinuity Design (November 2008).
- No. 178: Lee, David, and Emmanuel Saez, Optimal Minimum Wage Policy in Competitive Labor Markets (September 2008).
- No. 177: Gonzalez-Navarro, Marco, Deterrence and Displacement in Auto Theft (October 2008).
- No. 176: Blinder, Alan S., and Jeremy B. Rudd, The Supply Shock Explanation of the Great Stagflation Revisited (November 2008).
- No. 175: Krueger, Alan B., and Andreas Mueller, Job Search and Unemployment Insurance: New Evidence from Time Use Data (August 2008).
- No. 174: Krueger, Alan B., and Morris M. Kleiner, The Prevalence and Effects of Occupational Licensing (August 2008).
- No. 173: Meer, Jonathan, and Harvey S. Rosen, The ABCs of Charitable Solicitation (May 2009).
- No. 172: Farber, Henry S., Employment Insecurity: The Decline in Worker-Firm Attachment in the United States (January 2008).
- No. 171: Farber, Henry S., Job Loss and the Decline in Job Security in the United States (June 2008).
- No. 170: Rothstein, Jesse, Student Sorting and Bias in Value Added Estimation:Selection on Observables and Unobservables (June 2008).
- No. 169: Romero, Roman E., Monetary Policy in Oil-Producing Economies (January 2008).
- No. 168: Paxson, Christina, and Cecilia Elena Rouse, Returning to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina (January 2008).
- No. 167: Blinder, Alan S., Making Monetary Policy by Committee (June 2008).
- No. 166: Malkiel, Burton G., and Derek Jun, New Paradigms in Stock Market Indexing (January 2008).
- No. 165: Rothstein, Jesse, The Unintended Consequences of Encouraging Work: Tax Incidence and the EITC (May 2008).
- No. 164: Blinder, Alan S., Talking about Monetary Policy: The Virtues (and Vices?) of Central Bank Communication (May 2008).
- No. 163: Blinder, Alan S., Education for the Third Industrial Revolution (February 2008).
- No. 162: Meer, Jonathan, and Harvey S. Rosen, The Impact of Athletic Performance on Alumni Giving:An Analysis of Micro Data (March 2008).
- No. 161: Blinder, Alan S., Michael Ehrmann, Marcel Fratzscher, Jakob De Haan, and David-Jan Jansen,Central Bank Communication and Monetary Policy:
A Survey of Theory and Evidence (March 2008). - No 160: Ashenfelter, Orley C., and Daniel Hosken, The Effect of Mergers on Consumer Prices: Evidence from Five Selected Case Studies (February 2008).
- No. 159: Rothstein, Jesse, Do Value-Added Models Add Value? Tracking, Fixed Effects, and Causal Inference (November 2007).
- No. 158: Forslund, Anders, and Alan Krueger, Did Active Labour Market Policies Help Sweden Rebound from the Depression of the Early 1990s?(March 2008).
- No. 157: Krueger, Alan B., Daniel Kahneman, David Schkade, Norbert Schwarz, and Arthur A. Stone, National Time Accounting: The Currency of Life (November 2007).
- No. 156: Rouse, Cecilia Elena, Jane Hannaway, Dan Goldhaber, and David Figlio, Feeling the Florida Heat? How Low-Performing Schools Respond to Voucher and Accountability Pressure (November 2007).
- No. 155: Sims, Christopher A., Monetary Policy Models (November 2007).
- No. 154: Malkiel, Burton G., The Efficiency of the Chinese Stock Markets: Some Unfinished Business on the Road to Economic Transformation(December 2007).
- No. 153: Blinder, Alan S., On the Design of Monetary Policy Committees (September 2007).
- No. 152: Chow, Gregory C., China’s Energy and Environmental Problems and Policies (August 2007).
- No. 151: Blinder, Alan S., and John Morgan, Leadership in Groups: A Monetary Policy Experiment (July 2007).
- No. 150: Meer, Jonathan, and Harvey S. Rosen, Altruism and the Child-Cycle of Alumni Donations (May 2007).
- No. 149: Blinder, Alan S., Offshoring: Big Deal, or Business as Usual? (June 2007).
- No. 148: Rothstein, Jesse, and Albert H. Yoon, Affirmative Action in Law School Admissions:What Do Racial Preferences Do? (March 2007).
- No. 147: Card, David, Alexandre Mas, and Jesse Rothstein, Tipping and the Dynamics of Segregation (April 2007).
- No. 146: Rothstein, Jesse, and Cecilia Elena Rouse, Constrained After College:
Student Loans and Early Career Occupational Choices(May 2007). - No. 145: Paxson, Christina, and Norbert Schady, Does Money Matter? The Effects of Cash Transfers on
Child Health and Development in Rural Ecuador (March 2007). - No. 144: Svensson, Lars E.O., Inflation Targeting (May 2007).
- No. 143: Ashenfelter, Orley C., Stephen Ciccarella, and Howard J. Shatz, French Wine and the U.S. Boycott of 2003: Does Politics Really Affect Commerce? (May 2007).
- No. 142: Blinder, Alan S., How Many U.S. Jobs Might Be Offshorable? (March 2007).
- No. 141: Gerardi, Kristopher, Harvey S. Rosen, and Paul Willen, Do Households Benefit from Financial Deregulation and Innovation? The Case of the Mortgage Market (March 2007).
- No. 140: Weinberg, Matthew, The Price Effects of Horizontal Mergers: A Survey (January 2007).
- No. 139: Krueger, Alan B., and David A. Schkade, Sorting in the Labor Market: Do Gregarious Workers Flock to Interactive Jobs? (February 2007).
- No. 138: Krueger, Alan B., and David A. Schkade, The Reliability of Subjective Well-Being Measures (January 2007).
- No. 137: Mastrobuoni, Giovanni, and Matthew Weinberg, Heterogeneity in Intra-Monthly Consumption Patterns, Self-Control, and Savings at Retirement (January 2007).
- No. 136: Mastrobuoni, Giovanni, Labor Supply Effects of the Recent Social Security Benefit Cuts: Empirical Estimates Using Cohort Discontinuities,(December 2006).
- No. 135: Blinder, Alan S., Preparing America’s Workforce: Are We Looking in the Rear-View Mirror? (October 2006).
- No. 134: Chow, Gregory C., Rural Poverty in China: Problem and Policy (September 2006).
- No. 133: Mastrobuoni, Giovanni, The Social Security Earnings Test Removal: Money Saved or Money Spent by the Trust Fund? (August 2006).
- No. 132: Chow, Gregory C., An Economic Analysis of Health Care in China (August 2006).
- No. 131: Dixit, Avinash K., Predatory States and Failing States: An Agency Perspective (August 2006).
- No 130: Ashenfelter, Orley C., and Karl Storchmann, Using a Hedonic Model of Solar Radiation to Assess the Economic Effect of Climate Change: The Case of Mosel Valley Vineyards (July 2006).
- No 129: Blinder, Alan S., Monetary Policy Today: Sixteen Questions and about Twelve Answers (July 2006).
- No 128: Sims, Christopher A., Improving Monetary Policy Models (May 2006).
- No. 127: Svensson, Lars E.O., The Instrument-Rate Projection under Inflation Targeting:The Norwegian Example (February 2006).
- No. 126: Svensson, Lars E.O., Monetary Policy and Japan’s Liquidity Trap (January 2006).
- No 125: Kahneman, Daniel, Alan B. Krueger, David Schkade, Norbert Schwarz, and Arthur A. Stoneger, Would You Be Happier If You Were Richer? A Focusing Illusion (May 2006).
- No 124: Grecu, Alex, Burton G. Malkiel, and Atanu Saha, Why Do Hedge Funds Stop Reporting Their Performance? (March 2006).
- No 123: Rothstein, Jesse, and Albert Yoon, Mismatch in Law School (February 2006).
- No 122: Malkiel, Burton G., Jianping Mei, and Rui Yang, Investment Strategies to Exploit Economic Growth in China (December 2005).
- No 121: Battaglini, Marco, Rebecca Morton, and Thomas R. Palfrey, Efficiency, Equity, and Timing in Voting Mechanisms (September 2005).
- No 120: Willard, Luke B., Does Inflation Targeting Matter? A Reassessment (February 2006).
- No 119: Blinder, Alan S., Fear of Offshoring (December 2005).
- No 118: Blinder, Alan S., Monetary Policy by Committee: Why and How? (November 2005).
- No 117: Kling, Jeffrey R., and Jens Ludwig, Is Crime Contagious? (October 2005).
- No 116: Chow, Gregory C., Corruption and China’s Economic Reform in the Early 21st Century (October 2005).
- No 115: Chow, Gregory C., Globalization and China’s Economic and Financial Development (September 2005).
- No 114: Blinder, Alan S., and Ricardo Reis, Understanding the Greenspan Standard (September 2005).
- No 113: Hornstein, Andreas, Per Krusell, and Giovanni L. Violante, The Effects of Technical Change on Labor Market Inequalities (July 2005).
- No 112: Blinder, Alan S., Economic Advice and Political Decisions: A Clash of Civilizations? (July 2005).
- No 111: Palfrey, Thomas R., Laboratory Experiments in Political Economy (July 2005).
- No 110: Sims, Christopher A.,and Tao Zha, Were There Regime Switches in U.S. Monetary Policy? (May 2005).
- No 109:Card, David, and Jesse Rothstein, Racial Segregation and the Black White Test Score Gap (May 2005).
- No 108: Krueger, Alan B., Jesse Rothstein, and Sarah Turner, Race, Income and College in 25 Years: The Continuing Legacy of Segregation and Discrimination (May 2005).
- No 107: Kling, Jeffrey R., and Mark E. Votruba, Effects of Neighborhood Characteristics on the Mortality of Black Male Youth: Evidence from Gautreaux (May 2005).
- No 106: Chow, Gregory C., and Yan Shen, Demand for Education in China (April 2005).
- No 105: Blinder, Alan S., What Have We Learned since October 1979? (April 2005).
- No 104: Malkiel, Burton G., andAtanu Saha, Hedge Funds: Risk and Return (October 2004).
- No 103: Mauzerall, Denise L., Babar Sultan, Namsoug
Kim, and David F. Bradford, Charging NOx Emitters for Health Damages: An Exploratory Analysis (September 2004). - No 102: Ashenfelter, Orley, and Kathryn Graddy,Anatomyof the Rise and Fall of a Price-Fixing Conspiracy: Auctions at Sotheby’s and Christie’s (September 2004).
- No 101: Mastrobuoni, Giovanni, The Effects of the Euro-Conversion on Prices and Price Perceptions (September 2004).
- No 100: Blinder, Alan S., The Case Against the Case Against Discretionary Fiscal Policy (June 2004).
- No 99: Blinder, Alan S., and Alan B. Krueger, WhatDoes the Public Know about Economic Policy, and How Does It Know It? (May 2004).
- No. 98: Chow, Gregory C., and Yan Shen, Money, Price Level and Output in the Chinese Macro Economy (May 2004).
- No. 97: Ashenfelter, Orley, and Michael Greenstone, Estimating the Value of a Statistical Life: The Importance of Omitted Variables and Publication Bias (January 2004).
- No. 96: Bradford, David F., Improving on Kyoto: Greenhouse Gas Control as the Purchase of a Global Public Good (January 2004).
- No. 95: Votruba, Mark E., Social Security and Retirees’ Decision to Work (November 2003).
- No. 94: Keller, Klaus, Zili Yang, Matt Hall, and David F. Bradford, Carbon Dioxide Sequestration: When and How Much? (September 2003).
- No. 93: Bradford, David F., The X-Tax in the World Economy (August 2003).
- No. 92: Farber, Henry S., Is Tomorrow Another Day? The Labor Supply of New York Cab Drivers (May 2003).
- No. 91: Malkiel, Burton G., The
Efficient Market Hypothesis and Its Critics (April 2003). - No. 90: Farber, Henry S., Nonunion Wage Rates and the Threat of Unionization (April 2003).
- No. 89: Farber, Henry S., Job Loss in the United States, 1981-2001 (January 2003).
- No. 88: Krueger, Alan B., and Kenneth N. Forston, Do Markets Respond More to More Reliable Labor Market Data? A Test of Market Rationality (January 2003).
- No. 87: Krueger, Alan B., Inequality, Too Much of a Good Thing (August 2002).
- No. 86: Blinder, Alan S., Through the Looking Glass: Central Bank Transparency (December 2002).
- No. 85: Meer, Jonathan, and Harvey S. Rosen, Insurance, Health, and the Utilization of Medical Services (October 2002).
- No. 84: Svensson, Lars E.O., What Is Wrong with Taylor Rules? Using Judgment in Monetary Policy through Targeting Rules (October 2002).
- No. 83: Svensson, Lars E.O., Monetary Policy and Real Stabilization (September 2002).
- No. 82: Svensson, Lars E.O., Kjetil Houg, Alfred Berg, Haakon O.Aa.Solheim, and Erling Steigum, An Independent Review of Monetary Policy and Institutions in Norway (September 2002).
- No. 81: Ashenfelter, Orley, and Kathryn Graddy, Art Auctions: A Survey of Empirical Studies (April 2002).
- No. 80: Rosen, Harvey S., Public Finance: Essay for the Encyclopedia of Public Choice (March 2002).
- No. 79: Hsieh, Chang-Tai, and Miguel Urquiola, When Schools Compete, How Do They Compete?: An Assessment of Chile’s Nationwide School Voucher Program (February 2002).
- No. 78: Hsieh, Chang-Tai, and Enrico Moretti, Uncovering Rent-Seeking and Social Waste: A Parable from the Real Estate Market (February 2002).
- No. 77: Krueger, Alan B., and Alexandre Mas, Strikes, Scabs and Tread Separations: Labor Strife and the Production of Defective Bridgestone/Firestone Tires (February 2002).
- No. 76: Linsenmeier, David M., Harvey S. Rosen, and Cecilia E. Rouse, Financial Aid Packages and College Enrollment Decisions: An Econometric Case Study (November 2001).
- No. 75: Rosen, Harvey S., and Stephen Wu, Health Status and Portfolio Choice (October 2001).
- No. 74: Bradford, David, Reforming Budgetary Language (August 2001).
- No. 73: Meer, Jonathan, Douglas Miller, and Harvey S. Rosen, Exploring the Health-Wealth Nexus (August 2001).
- No. 72: Perry, Craig W., and Harvey S. Rosen, Insurance and the Utilization of Medical Services among the Self-Employed (August 2001).
- No. 71: Perry, Craig W., and Harvey S. Rosen, The Self-Employed Are Less Likely to Have Health Insurance Than Wage-Earners. So What? (June 2001).
- No. 70: Blinder, Alan S., and John Morgan, Are Two Heads Better Than One?: An Experimental Analysis of Group vs. Individual Decisionmaking (May 2001).
- No. 69: Auerbach, Alan J., and David F. Bradford, Generalized Cash Flow Taxation (May 2001).
- No. 68: Carroll, Robert, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Mark Rider, and Harvey Rosen, Personal Income Taxes and the Growth of Small Firms (October 2000).
- No. 67: Katz, Lawrence F., Jeffrey R. Kling, and Jeffrey B. Liebman, The Early Impacts of Moving to Opportunity in Boston (October 2000).
- No. 66: Bradford, David F., Rebecca Schlieckert, and Stephen H. Shore, The Environmental Kuznets Curve: Exploring A Fresh Specification (August 2000).
- No. 65: Chow, Gregory C., China’s Economic Policy in the Context of the Asian Financial Crisis (August 2000)
- No. 64: Chow, Gregory C., and Kui-Wai-Li, China’s Economic Growth: 1952-2010 (August 2000).
- No. 63: Bolton, Patrick, Joseph Brodley, and Michael Riordan, Predatory Pricing: Strategic Theory and Legal Policy (September 1999).
- No. 62: Holtz-Eakin, Douglas, and Harvey Rosen, Cash Constraints and Business Start-Ups: Deutschmarks versus Dollars (September 1999).
- No. 61: Katz, Lawrence, and Alan B. Krueger, The High-Pressure U.S. Labor Market of the 1990s (August 1999).
- No. 60: Holtz-Eakin, Douglas, David Joulfaian, and Harvey Rosen, Estimating the Income Effect on Retirement (August 1999).
- No 59: Farber, Henry, and Kevin Hallock, Have Employment Reductions Become Good News for Shareholders?: The Effect of Job Loss Announcements on Stock Prices, 1970-97 (June 1999).
- No. 58: Blinder, Alan, Redesigning the Global Financial Architecture (June 1999).
- No. 57: Blinder, Alan, Economics Becomes a Science – Or Does It? (June 1999).
- No. 56: Bradford, David, and Daniel Shaviro, The Economics of Vouchers (April 1999).
- No. 55: Holtz-Eakin, Douglas, John Phillips, and Harvey Rosen, Estate Taxes, Life Insurance, and Small Business (April 1999).
- No. 54: Blinder, Alan S., Central Bank Credibility: Why Do We Care? How Do We Build It? (January 1999).
- No. 53: Bradford, David, and Klaus Keller, Francois M.M. Morel, and Kelvin Tan, The North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation Collapse as a Constraint on Economically Optimal Carbon Dioxide Emissions (December 1998).
- No. 52: Fluck, Zsuzsanna, and Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Harvey S. Rosen, Where Does the Money Come From? The Financing of Small Entrepreneurial Enterprises (February 1998).
- No 51: Carroll, Robert, and Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Mark Rider, and Harvey S. Rosen, Entrepreneurs, Income Taxes, and Investments (January 1988).
- No. 50: Bradford, David F., Transition to and Tax Rate Flexibility in a Cash-Flow Type Tax (December 1997).
- No. 49: Holtz-Eakin, Douglas, and Harvey S. Rosen and Robert Weathers, Horatio Alger Meets the Mobility (October 1997).
- No. 48: Dahl, Gordon B., and Michael R. Ransom, Does Where You Stand Depend on Where You Sit?: Tithing Donations and Self-Serving Beliefs (September 1997)
- No. 47: Malkiel, Burdon G., Investment Opportunities in Emerging Markets (August 1997)
- No. 46: Besley, Timothy J., and Harvey S. Rosen, Vertical Externalities in Tax Setting: Evidence from Gasoline and Cigarettes (June 1997).
- No. 45: Blinder, Alan S., Fact and Fancy in the Growth Debate (June 1997).
- No. 44: Dahl, Gordon B., and Michael R. Ransom, The Ten Percent Flat Tax: Tithing and the Definition of Income (May 1997).
- No. 43: Thurston, Norman K., Physician Behavioral Responses to Variation in Marginal Income Tax Rates: Logitudinal Evidence (May 1997).
- No. 42: Blinder, Alan S., and Richard E. Quandt, Waiting for Godot: Information Technology and the Productivity Miracle? (May 1997).
- No. 41: Leventis, Andrew, Cardiac Surgeons under Scrutiny: A Testable Patient-Selection Model (May 1997).
- No. 40: Blinder, Alan B., From Both Sides Now: What Central Bankers Could Learn from Academics — and Vice-Versa (May 1997).
- No. 39: Rouse, Cecilia Elena, Private School Vouchers and Student Achievement: An Evaluation of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (February 1997).
- No. 38: Besley, Timothy J., and Harvey S. Rosen, Sales Taxes and Prices: An Empirical Analysis (February 1997).
- No. 37: Bradford, David F., On the Uses of Benefit-Cost Reasoning in Choosing Policy Toward Global Climate Change (January 1997).
- No. 36: Bradford, David F., and Kyle D. Logue, The Influence of Income Tax Rules on Insurance Reserves (January 1997).
- No. 35: Blinder, Alan S., Central Banking in Theory and Practice (October 1996).
- No. 34: Bradford, David F., Treatment of Financial Services Under Income and Consumption Taxes (October 1996).
- No. 33: Bradford, David F., Fixing Capital Gains: Symmetry, Consistency and Correctness in the Taxation of Financial Instruments (September 1996).
- No. 32: Carroll, Robert, and Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Mark Rider, and Harvey S. Rosen, Income Taxes and Entrepreneurs’ Use of Labor (July 1996).
- No. 31: Farber, Henry S., The Changing Face of Job Loss in the United States, 1981-1993 (June 1996).
- No. 30: Kruse, Douglas, and Alan Krueger and Susan Drastal, Computer Use, Computer Training, and Employment Outcomes among People with Spinal Cord Injuries (November 1995).
- No 29: Kenen, Peter B., The Feasibility of Taxing Foreign-Exchange Transactions (November 1995).
- No. 28: Bradford, David F., Consumption Taxes: Some Fundamental Transition Issues (September 1995).
- No. 27: Grundy, Kevin, and Burton G. Malkiel, Reports of Beta’s Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated (September 1996).
- No. 26: Lumsdaine, Robin L., Factors Affecting Labor Supply Decisions and Retirement Income (July 1995).
- No. 25: Boozer, Michael, and Cecilia Rouse, Intraschool Variation in Class Size: Patterns and Implications (May 1995).
- No. 24: Farber, Henry S., Are Lifetime Jobs Disappearing? Job Duration in the United States: 1973-1995 (May 1995).
- No. 23: Ashenfelter, Orley, and David Ashmore, and Randall Filer, Evaluating the Effect of a Compulsory Multiple Contractor Law on Construction Costs Using Almost Randomized Trials (May 1995).
- No. 22: Canes, Brandice J., and Harvey S. Rosen, Following in Her Footsteps? Women’s Choices of College Majors and Faculty Gender Composition (October 1994).
- No. 21: Holtz-Eakin, Douglas, and John R. Penrod, and Harvey S. Rosen, Health Insurance and the Supply of Entrepreneurs (October 1994).
- No. 20: Krueger, Alan, and Cecilia Rouse, New Evidence on Workplace Education (September 1994).
- No. 19: Feenberg, Daniel, and Harvey S. Rosen, President Clinton’s Marriage Tax (March 1994).
- No. 18: Holtz-Eakin, Douglas, and David Joulfaian, and Harvey S. Rosen, Entrepreneurial Decisions and Liquidity Constraints (February 1994).
- No. 17: Firstenberg, Paul B., and Burton G. Malkiel, The Twenty-First Century Board Room: Who Will Be In Charge? (January 1994).
- No. 16: Krueger, Alan B., Observations on Employment-Based Government Mandates, with Particular Reference to Health Insurance (January 1994).
- No. 15: Malkiel, Burton G., Returns from Investing in Equity Mutual Funds 1971-1991 (December 1993).
- No. 14: Grossman, Gene M., Pollution and Growth: What Do We Know? (July 1993).
- No. 13: Holtz-Eakin, Douglas, and David Joulfaian, and Harvey S. Rosen, The Carnegie Conjecture: Some Empirical Evidence, (March 1993).
- No. 12: Krueger, Alan B., and William G. Bowen, Policy Watch: Income-Contingent College Loans (March 1993).
- No. 11: Baker, Laurence C., and Alan B. Krueger, Twenty-Four Hour Coverage and Workers’ Compensation Insurance (December 1992).
- No. 10: Baumol, William J., and Burton G. Malkiel, Redundant Regulation of Foreign Security Trading and U.S. Competitiveness (December 1992).
- No. 9: Malkiel, Burton G., The Regulation of Mutual Funds: An Agenda for the Future (December 1992).
- No. 8: Blinder, Alan S., Should the Former Socialist Economies Look East or West for a Model? (December 1992).
- No. 7: Jaffee, Dwight M., and T. Russell, The Effects of Fairness on Loan Market Structure: An Introduction (May 1992).
- No. 6: Blinder, Alan S., Two Papers on the Japanese Economy (April 1992).
- No. 5: Brown, John, and Timothy Guinnane, and Marion Lupprian, Fertility Decline in Nineteenth-Century Munich: Background Issues and Some Preliminary Results (April 1992).
- No. 4: Banerjee, Abhijit V., and Timothy Besley, Peer Group Effects in Education (April 1992).
- No. 3: Rosen, Harvey S., Tax Policy and Competitiveness (April 1992).
- No. 2: Malkiel, Burton G., The Influence of Conditions in Financial Markets on the Time Horizons of Business Managers: An International Comparison (March 1991).
- No. 1: Blinder, Alan S., Why Are Prices Sticky? Preliminary Results from an Interview Study (February 1991).